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  1. Writer Introduction

  2. Introduction of the essay “Self-reliance”

  3. Background of Transcendentalism 

  4. The Concepts of Transcendentalism

  5. Core beliefs of Transcendentalism: 

  6. Non-conformism Vs Conformism 

  7. Bookish knowledge vs Practical knowledge 

  8. Authentic source of the Truth and conformity

  9. Similarities between Romanticism and Transcendentalism


Writer Introduction

RALPH WALDO EMERSON is an American essayist, poet, and popular philosopher. He began his career as a Unitarian minister in Boston, but achieved worldwide fame as a lecturer and the author of such essays as “Self-Reliance,” “History,” “The Over-Soul,” and “Fate”. He was largely influenced by generations of Americans, from his friends Henry David and John Dewey who takes up such Emersonian themes as power, fate, the uses of poetry and history, and the critique of Christianity. When everything was going smoothly, he married Ellen Tucker, but unfortunately, she died due to Tuberculosis. That was the time when Ralph felt hopeless and wanted to escape this world. He could not tolerate that pain so, he started traveling in multiple states. After some time, he again appeared with hopes, and motives, and began to give lectures through his wide range of Experience. His first work was titled “Nature”, which led to Emerson founding a new Philosophy is called “Transcendentalism”. 

Introduction of the essay “Self-reliance”:

In the essay, "Self Reliance," Emerson's sole purpose is to bring out the hidden light from an individual’s eternity and make them realize that you do not need other shoulders to climb the peaks, do not expect that any angel will appear from society and changes your life no never, just know your actual worth because you are complete by your own. Avoid to being a puppet of society by conformity. Essentially, do what you believe is right instead of blindly following society.

When I was first selected for U15, I asked my cousins if they've extra pair of shoes for me but they said "No, we don't". That is when I decided not to borrow anything & will do everything on my own from here"
Babar Azam

Background of Transcendentalism

The Transcendentalism is coined by two intellective friends included “Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David”. They observed that society was moving towards Rationalism wherein people were deeply concerned about logic and facts which demolish their expressions of feelings and emotions. The Hard Time Novel by Charles Dicken is a huge illustration that can be reflected with their observation. In this novel, we analyze that how the writer portrays the picture of rationalism philosophy by his characters. He depicts their process of rationalist germination in their students; First, they put the seeds of logic and facts in students' minds then they check the outcome of the garden moreover the result comes very negatively, the same students deal them with the same philosophy that later becomes the regrets for them. It means the Rationalist approach destroys human spirituality and humanity. Whatsoever case or problems occurs hence they tackle them through their rationalist perspectives instead of tackling them emotionally and their logical negotiations might force them to kill their own family members. That is the reason which forced both friends to bring a revolution of Transcendentalism, it teaches the power of individualism and gives the path of own decisions.  

The Concepts of Transcendentalism

Transcendentalism comes from the Latin word transcendere, which means to "climb over or go beyond the limits.  Transcendentalists refer to the idea of a personal knowledge of God and believe that there is no need of intermediary for spiritual insight that comes through self-reflection and intuition.

Core beliefs of Transcendentalism: 

Non-conformism Vs Conformism 

The Conformists are just like slaves/workers who work under the capitalist and follow their rules day-night without arguments, they are even cannot willing to raise their voices against unfair moreover they are also robots that do not have the element of expression merely do those things which install in his mind whereas the Non-conformist is totally opposite from conformist. The Non-conformists follow their own Free-will who do not give permission to others to rule on them.  And also do not ask from anyone what to do, they do what they desire. 

For Example

  • He gives examples of a newborn baby and says that when a child is born, he never conforms to anything, he keeps asking questions and discovering things with his own way but slowly and gradually when he is rising accordingly society shackles him into social conventions.

  • We can also take the example of Non-Conformist to the Character of Elizabeth Bennet from the Novel of Pride And Prejudice and The Character of Eustachia Vye from the Novel Return of the Native.

Bookish knowledge vs Practical knowledge

The Emerson argues on bookish knowledge is that individuals should read Classical, Traditional writers like Plato, Aristotle, and Herodotus but not in the intention of implementing their experiences in their own life, nevertheless one should read their ideologies just to increase their intellectual power whereas if we talk about Practical knowledge however it comes through own intuition and creativity where we are seeking for gain knowledge through struggles, experiences, and surveys. According to Francis Bacon, The Father of Empiricism stated; The entire world is relying on Empiricists because they are the ones who explores new ideas, creativity, and intuition.  All theories, ideologies, and doctrines are brought through empiricism. Just think if they are not borrowing new innovations or writers are not publishing their books then what will you do? Will you wait for them till they invent something or remove your procrastination and bring something innovative on your own?. That is the main reason of Emerson where he spots the light on Self-reliance. Do not rely on others by imitations proof them by Intuitions.

Authentic source of the Truth and conformity:

The Ralph believes that truth is beyond our senses whenever we are seeking for the truth, we used our wisdom and it is a more authentic source of truth. Here He also depicts the puritans by saying the pop and church restrict the people’s wisdom by the mean of their business and said to Them, they are the access of heaven nevertheless people do not investigate for truth and become conformist.  As Francis Bacon says in essays Of Truth that no doubt people do hard work in order to discover the truth but when they succeed to find out therefore they cannot tolerate its burden and demands thus the fear of truth drifts them towards Lie and do not attempt to again seek for truth. 

  1. Similarities between Romanticism and Transcendentalism:

As the concept of transcendentalism has its roots in romanticism, they have similarities with one another. Romantics flourished Nature, God, and individualism by giving the freedom of writing, thinking, and expressing. They used the themes of Spirituality, mortal, immortal, and imagination. These all can be reflected in the philosophy of Emerson, The Transcendentalist because he saw a direct connection between man, nature, and God. If we see the poems of William Wordsworth hence he always brings the idea of a creature(Nature) and then reflects its creator(God).

Concept of Over-soul:

This concept was coined by Emerson in which he says that there is a universal spirit and it is connected to each individual of the universe. This soul connects a person with his nature and surrounding. 


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